Archive | May, 2021

My Vinny Jones, the tail of a cat

22 May

An Ounce of Pounce

I’ve just left the bed of Vinny Jones, you know the British actor who usually appears as an unsavoury character in action packed movies. He often plays the part of the guy in your suburb that no one picked on. A craggy face and piercing eyes that hide of heart of gold – a little-known fact.

I think for my age and stage of life, that’s quite a feat. I am quite proud to have got my paws on him.

My Vinny is a tamed feral. He is a brownish tabby with celadon green eyes. That strangely ethereal colour of Japanese vases and tea bowls. Looking into those big round eyes you can see the world, the beginning, the end, all of life and the  certainty of death.

Purely by chance we noticed a cat at the bottom of the garden or skulking deep within the flower beds. If we left a bowl of…

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Mrs Smith Reads Books

Red's Wrap

Happiness. It's relative.

Catching My Drift

Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful.—Ian Mckellen

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