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Lost and gone forever

12 Aug

I spent hours today, typing not one but TWO blogs and as has happened before, they both vanished in a tap of the wrong key.

I wanted to insert a photo of the Rolling Stones which the first blog was about and when I tried to go back to my writing it was gone …..

Utterly disgusted and disappointed and saddened, I cooked dinner and thought  I should get back on the horse and try again so I wrote about weaver birds and, honestly, with not a whisky glass in sight, I lost another blog.

It was on the beep boop bob page. so now I am going to save this the old fashioned way just to prove I did write something on the second day of my 365 day journey.


Mrs Smith Reads Books

Red's Wrap

Happiness. It's relative.

Catching My Drift

Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful.—Ian Mckellen

Stuff Kids Write

Like stuff adults write. But funnier.


Mrs Smith Reads Books

Red's Wrap

Happiness. It's relative.

Catching My Drift

Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful.—Ian Mckellen

Stuff Kids Write

Like stuff adults write. But funnier.