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365 days of my life and bum glue

11 Aug

Way, way back at the beginning of this blogging journey, I thought long and hard about writing a blog. I was overwhelmed by just how many bloggers there are out there and how people find so much to write about. It took a long time for me to take the first step and then I got spooked and sick and spent, days, weeks, months in hospitals. People died, babies were born I wrote letters, cooked and baked of course, but I never really got into blogging.

Then my mentor suggested that I should keep a diary of notes, ideas, inspirations, scribbles, drivel and random words in books so that I would have a blog closet in which to search for something to say. It has proved to be most useful and I drag a book around with me almost everywhere I go. Much of the time I must confess, is spent doodling – not a word in sight!

What I still haven’t come to grips with, is the bum glue. This I have found to be my greatest weakness. I assure my family that if I had a laptray or an eyepaddle, I could lounge on the couch and mouse around for hours, instead of being  holed up in the dingy computer room with floor to ceiling mother board and irritating keyboard. They refuse to accept that as a valid excuse.

I lead such a dull, boring life in the countryside with the odd passing herd of cows, a couple of blessed goats who are making goaties by the dozen, the lonely toot of the distant train, inching by on the other side of the river and a drought of biblical proportions – who could possibly want to read about nothing?

But then I remembered that we have real live crocodiles in the Tugela River, a stones throw from here, circling Fish Eagles whose call is “Africa”. As the crow flies we aren’t far from the lighthouse and a deserted, endless, stunning beach where you can see whales, sometimes dolphins and then there are the lucky few who have witnessed sharks swimming upstream to de-louse in the fresh waters of the Tugela River.

It is cloudy today and cool so I am cooking rice, roast chicken and beef stew with potatoes, carrots and green beans with a nice thick gravy. Then there will be waffles and ice cream with maple syrup. I’ll be thinking of you …….

I am making a commitment to write something on my blog every day as I prepare to dredge up my half written stories and patches of poetry. I will be expecting you to provide the good kick up the backside when I slide backwards.

Here’s to new beginnings, flashes of brilliance, a boot in the write place and jars of bum glue …..


Mrs Smith Reads Books

Red's Wrap

Happiness. It's relative.

Catching My Drift

Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful.—Ian Mckellen

Stuff Kids Write

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Mrs Smith Reads Books

Red's Wrap

Happiness. It's relative.

Catching My Drift

Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful.—Ian Mckellen

Stuff Kids Write

Like stuff adults write. But funnier.